S/V Hello World's Travel Log

The Straight of Juan de Fuca

Also known as the straight of wanna puka. Here's Hello World after hitting our first waves just off the Pacific. Fortunately you'll find no puke in the picture... :)


McKenzie said...

This was perfect, I was just explaining to Caroline about the Straight....your image is awesome.

Hope everyone is OK :) Glad there wasn't any puke! ...but there's plenty of time left on the trip ;)

Also - I would like to say - I'm LOVING the multiple updates. It helps pass the day for those of us still living in the real world.

Sailfast said...

The cat puked just looking at that picture!

Nicola O. said...

Jim says you need to lock/lace your stuff down better.

Anonymous said...

When you have to sleep in a wet salt bed that will not dry or you have ruined equipment or key charts because you have not prepared the boat for sailing you might start following this list.

From Fast Track to Cruising by Doris Colgate

BEFORE going sailing
-secure everything below
-tie down items on deck
-pump bilge
-dog hatches and portholes
-close head and sink seacocks
-open engine salfwater intake and exhaust valves
-open fuel valves
-check fuel level
-check oil pressure & water temp after starting engine

Sailfast said...

Did yawl not pay attention on the transit from Man-O-War Key?? Are the locker doors still intact? SH is still laughing, and that after a trip to the vet today. Note: the previous nice comment attributed to me was really Mom. LOL

Cheese said...

Ah, yes, the Straights of Juan de Puka. I remember them oh-so fondly -- washing-machine seas, stomach on spin cycle. Note to self: Buy Dramamine at next port, stupid.

May the winds be always at your back (and the seas never abeam),

Scott said...

Our first crossing to the San Juans was our first lesson in proper stowage, too... welcome to the club! Nothing like crossing during a SCA to give you a good shakedown before a long trip.

At least it doesn't sound like you had any other problems. Imagine all the mess combined with a leaky foredeck hatch. There is a lot of my pocket change in the machines at the Friday Harbor laundromat.

Patrick said...

Looks like Deep Playa and we're just sitting at the dock!


The Propane Chef said...

Woo-hoo! GOOD times! I remember how excited & anxious I was, leaving Seattle for good - that great feeling is still going on, in & out of every port & anchorage, 2-1/2 yrs. on. Congratulations on being one of the few couples who can combine desire & ability to leave, all at once, all in one place.

...And clean up that saloon, willya?!?!?

All the best - Marianne & Gary, s/v Gallant Fox, Guaymas Mexico

Anonymous said...

Come on! Give us some sailing details already!