S/V Hello World's Travel Log

radio silence

Apologies for the complete and utter lack of updates. But we have a good reason, I swear. We just got back a few days ago from a 3 week trip whitewater rafting down the Colorado River through the Grand Canyon. At a later date when we're not up to our corneas in boat projects in order to shove off, we'll put up a post and pictures about the experience. If you're maintaining a bucket list, make sure rafting the Grand Canyon is on it.

We have lots to update y'all on including the massive amount of help we got from our Ohio friends - Casey and Cathy - but we need to spend most of our time either crossing projects off the list or fretting about how many projects are still on the list.

We've lost our internet connection at home so expect posts to be few and infrequent for a spell. We're in a last minute dash to get everything done before leaving. We're still targeting May 14th to cut the dock lines. Let's see, that's how many days... one, two, ....

Oh crap.

(The image above is Christy hunkering down with Lenise while Don expertly rowed through Lava Falls. The photo was graciously taken by Tim O'Dell who photographed all the other boats at Lava before running it himself.)

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