S/V Hello World's Travel Log

kennedy cove

We got a tip from a boat in Tofino that there was tons of crab and prawn to be had in Kennedy Cove, so Andante and Hello World headed north in search of deliciousness while Palarran took off south for Barkley Sound hoping we'd catch lots and they'd skip out on all of the work.

Kennedy Cove was a hit from the start - first of all, it had a slide - woohoo!

But upon closer inspection, we realized it was missing a few key parts

We still took advantage of the 70F water though - I decided to see just how far I could lean on one side of the paddleboard before tipping it over.

Surprisingly far!

And we did, in fact, have a great catch of crab!! The prawns, however, were a different story: first we had to find our pot...in the fog...that Andante had nicely moved to a "better" spot, the location of which I wasn't sure of...

Can you see my prawn buoy? Yeah, me neither.

We finally located it, pulled it up the 300 feet of line, and then about 10 feet from the trap, it just stopped. Turns out it was hooked on another prawn buoy that someone probably abandoned because they couldn't pull it up. I managed to get the whole thing up and on deck and...ta da! 12 prawn!

When we got to Ucluelet, we gave away the prawn trap.


Sabrina and Tom said...

Leaning tower of...Christy? Great action shot.

s/v Honey Ryder Caliber 40 LRC

LittleCunningPlan.com said...

How come I never ever find water that is 70 degrees up here? I hear these stories of it, but it seems like myth until I see a photo of Christy falling off a paddle board! Man, that does look like fun. Must. Get. Back. to Vancouver Island!