S/V Hello World's Travel Log

sea otter cove

We'd been to Sea Otter Cove before (ironically, we saw no otters in 2009 or this year), but hadn't gotten off the boat. This year, we went exploring - a 20 min hike led to an awesome beach. I was apparently overly excited at said beach.

But really, it was pretty cool.

It even had a little cabin for people hiking the west coast trail.

So cute!

With hilarious graffiti

I love me some good graffiti.

And CB found some good cahones.

The hike back was more exciting than the hike there, since I nearly got swallowed by quicksand mud...

(and my husband told everyone not to help me until he got a good shot of it)

And the dinghy was a bit high and dry by the time we made it back...

...next time maybe we'll skip the stern anchor.

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