S/V Hello World's Travel Log

pipestem inlet, lucky creek

We read some interesting tidbits about Lucky Creek: at high tide you could dinghy up the creek and see a waterfall and the author throught it all came right out of Walt Disney's imagination. So we had to go check it out. We dinghy-pooled and joined Happy Camper for the ride up the creek. It was shallow but doable. And then we got to the waterfall. No one said it, but we were all disappointed. It was about 4 ft of falling water and, well frankly, we've seen better. But we tied up the dinghy and decided to do some exploring anyway. We climbed up to the top of the waterfall and there we saw pool after pool of water winding its way through a rock ledge with small waterfalls in between. Also? A rope swing. We had found nirvana. We took back everything bad we thought or said about this place. It was amazing and pristine and we had the best time just screwing around swimming and hiking up to the upper pools. There was not a soul around; our book mentioned that there were often tour groups that came, but it was an overcast day and we had it all to ourselves. If you find yourself in Barkley Sound, this place is magic.

We headed back before we were ready so we wouldn't get stranded in low water and motored back across Pipestream Inlet to our anchorage. After relaxing for a bit, I heard Jason quietly, but urgently calling my name from outside the boat. They had seen a black bear on shore - right where the boys had stern tied the boats. He rambled up a fallen tree on shore and was noisily rummaging through the woods by the time I figured out what was going on.

Needless to say, the boys were pretty careful when they untied the stern lines the next day.

Happy Camper setting a stern line.

Lucky Falls. Not terribly impressive on first impression.

This is what we discovered after climbing up past the first set of falls. Amazing.

Scrambling around the rocks and pool.

Not having swimsuits didn't seem like a great reason to miss out on the rope swing.

Christy catching up on some reading.

The dinghy tied up at the entrance to Lucky Falls.

49°01'04.31"N 125°17'37.13"W

1 comment:

jcooper said...

Did I really need to see Jason naked? I lived with him for 3 months and went on a three day hike once. I managed to avoid this unfortunate incident until viewing these pictures on a blog. Other than that, I have really enjoyed living vicariously through your writing and pics.

Thanks for keeping a journal for the rest of us who don't have the stones to live their dream.