S/V Hello World's Travel Log

joe's cove - broken group islands

From Ucluelet, we were itching to get out into the Broken Group. For the number of islands the Broken Group contains, the number of protected anchorages isn't great. We chose to head to Joe's Cove formed by the proximity of Dodd, Willis and Turtle islands. The protection was great and plenty of room which was good because there were also plenty of boats.

We liked the anchorage so we decided to lay over a day and get some kayaking in. The four of us headed out the next morning in kayaks bound for the cove formed by Jarvis and Jacques islands. After paddling around the area, Christy and I found one of the many Caribbean-esque beaches in the area and plopped down for lunch. I left Christy at the beach and paddled back to the boat. After leaving her on the deserted island long enough, I ran over in the dinghy and picked her up.

We got back to the boat with enough time for Christy to make some spectacular bread bowls for soup and Scottie and Kelly joined us for dinner and drinks. Christy introduced Kelly to the wonders of cachaca (Brazilian hooch) while Scottie and I sat back and watched the spectacle.

Sunset at Joe's Cove.

Finding a dead sea cucumber. Mmmm, who's hungry?

Scottie and Kelly paddling through Jacques/Jarvis Cove.

Our own private Caribbean beach.

The Broken Group is full of beaches like this. Camping in a kayak would be heaven.

48°54.927'N 125°19.505'W

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