S/V Hello World's Travel Log

princess louisa inlet

Princess Louisa Inlet has been on our radar since we first defined this Inside Passage shakedown trip. We've seen pictures and read accounts, but none of it compared to the actual thing - the fjord was littered with waterfalls gushing with the snowmelt in nice weather and Chatterbox Falls at the head of the inlet was just blasting with water. We stayed for 3 days enjoying the sounds, the views, the hiking and the great neighbors. We docked at the public dock just below the falls (free) and met a great group of people. We hiked to a trappers cabin 1500 ft up and to yet another waterfall - well worth it no matter what the guidebooks write. We've been told that this is the best there is - so far, it's been great - but we're still looking forward to the rest...

50°12.26'N 123°46.15'W


Lisa McTwitter said...

That waterfall is heavenly. I hope the cabin isn't the one you helped to construct last year (I know it's not). That house looks perfect as well.

You always end your posts with your latitude and longitude. Here's mine: Seething, two degrees west, Envy, 89 degrees north.

The Chatty Housewife said...

Beautiful! So many photos on your blog recently are so good, you guys are seeing so much beauty every day!

Nicola O. said...

Wow! gorgeous! I'm loving the updates, too.

ryan said...

Hey Guys! Subaru is running great.

I had to comment on this post...I lived and worked at Beyond Malibu for the past 4 summers and guided mountaineering trips all above and around the Princess Louisa inlet! Also got to guide a trip from Egmont to Chatterbox and up into the mountains...That inlet is sacred to me! Glad you got to partake.

Enjoy the rest of the trip!