S/V Hello World's Travel Log

booker lagoon

We left Waddington Bay bound for Cullen Harbor and if possible, Booker Lagoon. On our way there, we motored through several small islets and passes that characterize the Broughtons. On our way through Blunden Pass we spotted two midden beaches on opposites sides of the pass. A midden beach is a beach created from the crushed shells of clams by natives

Cullen Harbor is a protected anchorage lying between an indent into Broughton Island and a group of small islands to the west. All the way at the back of Cullen Harbor is a narrow pass maybe 50 feet wide that empties into Booker Lagoon, a few miles wide to the east and west and a mile wide to the north and south. This pass runs 8 to 10 knots at full tide and is a pretty unfriendly place for a boat to be so you can only really enter Booker Lagoon during the two daylight slack tides. We entered just before slack and found a great little cove to stern tie into. We spent two days in this cove as the weather turned ugly and we didn't much feel like tempting Queen Charlotte Straight in a blow.

On the third day, we decided to exit Booker Lagoon. As we motored towards the exit near slack, the wind was still howling but out of the NW. So once again, we tucked tail and ran over to the western end of Booker Lagoon to hunker down for yet another day. Booker Lagoon was proving more difficult to get out of than we originally planned. I'll tell ya, there are worse places in the world to spend a few days.

As we headed for the pass to exit Booker Lagoon the following day, we ran into the very boat we almost bought when we were looking. It was the first boat we saw, a custom one off Stan Huntingford designed pilothouse named Dragon Lady Too. Had a nice chat with the owners.

Tucked into a nice little cove.

Rowing the dinghy around.

Tidal stream.

Screwing around in the tidal stream.

Booker Pass.

50°46.812'N 126°44.506'W

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