S/V Hello World's Travel Log

finally - some pictures!

We have just arrived in Tofino, and have finally gotten to internet fast enough to upload a few pictures. Yay! So, here's a photoblog of the past few weeks north of Cape Caution:

Jason got a new toy - we're loving this thing!

We lept from Alaska to Canada from Foggy Bay, where we got to meet up with our friends Blue, whom we haven't seen since Mexico!

Neville was nice enough to tow our paddleboards and Maggie's kayak up the inlet so we only had a once way trip...

We were crabbing and prawning all the way down the coast, but sometimes I'd get skunked with hermits and seastars

How these things get in the trap, I will never know...

Ire Inlet was great - had a narrow entrance, which we're all about these days...

Is it good when you're this close to trees in your boat?

We've been doing lots of paddleboarding. Beales Lagoon just outside of Shearwater was by FAR our favorite, but I forgot the camera, sorry. Instead, you get pictures of me paddling a log in Codville Lagoon:

We made it to Ocean Falls - one of many semi-defunct towns along the coast that once had a thriving mill and community to go along with it

At least the store was open decent hours...

Ohhh, but the crabbing was OH SO GOOD there!

We caught 10 of those guys over 2 days. We're still eating on them, which is good, because we've been skunked ever since. The sea otters (as cute as they are) have pretty well eaten all of the crab in northern end of Vancouver Island - but now that I have internet, I'm finding ways to outsmart the sea otters. Updates on my success to come soon. :)


Sabrina and Tom said...

Omg huge crabs - yum. Love the hammock chair.

McKenzie said...

Yay, pictures!

Are you just googling "how to outsmart sea otters"?