S/V Hello World's Travel Log

now hiring

We are looking for crew with two qualifications:

1.) Good with tools.

2.) Are currently an Oompa Loompa.


Anonymous said...

Curses! I was an Oompa Loompa YESTERDAY, but I'm back to being a not-Oompa Loompa, so sorry, no can do with the job posting. Good luck though!

Anonymous said...

How in hell did Christy get in there (and, where is "there" on your boat?)

Jason said...

Rach - chalk it up to bad timing. Too bad!

Ben - that's our storage area underneath the pullman berth in our cabin. We got her most of the way in there, then I sat on her like a suitcase to get her the rest of the way in there.

Paul O said...

You have yourself a good woman there. Erin refuses to let me cram her into small spaces (unless you count the v-berth).