S/V Hello World's Travel Log


...the way to get things working, it to order a spare part and then not install it.

So the keyboard on our laptop went to shit and decided to stop typing in vowels. Awesome.

We ordered a new one and Jason finally brought it home last night after like a month of us dealing with no vowels (we have been using a desktop keyboard with the laptop to get around this vowel issue...oh yeah, that's fun). So today, I start typing and the keyboard works, so naturally, I figured Jason fixed it and installed the new keyboard.

Yup, you guessed it - he totally didn't. Freakin computer fixed itself.

Miracle computer, that's what I call it now.

I wonder if we have a miracle boat...

1 comment:

Unknown said...

A blog by Christy?? Horray! Good work, Twit.