S/V Hello World's Travel Log

speargun for sale: CHEAP!

All you have to do is pick it up. Head to these coordinates: 25°31.662'N 111°04.136'W. It should about 30 feet below you (depending on the tide).



Sailfast said...

Oh, nooo....

McKenzie said...

Bummer! Any chance that someone with scuba gear is sailing beside you?

...how many underwater curse words were muttered?

Aaron said...

No more speargun! See, when I get down to Mexico I'm going to rely on my hand-to-fin combat skillz for fishing.

Patrick said...

I have an idea. Free divers can go about 200'. Couldn't you free dive down for it? Just drop one of your anchors (hang on to it) on the way down. Grab the spear, swim up (wear your fins and mask) and then raise your anchor. Or you could ride the anchor down and use your manual inflation PFD. Definitely get us some video of that. :-)

Anonymous said...

Dang it!!! although I have been a little worried 'bout how many fish you're leavin us down there, now I guess, their will be a few more fish and a tool to catch em with. Might improve your chi to know that it's 45 and rainin in Seattle today!!

The Propane Chef said...

Dude. Bubba. Don't let the fish have revenge. Find a fellow cruiser with scuba gear or a hookah (no; not THAT kind, the cruiser-kind!) & bribe 'em with tortillas & home-brew cider to retrieve yer precious spear gun! Catamaran "Manta" may be in the neighborhood - or maybe "Distant Shores", or even "Ceileidh" - they're all divers & with proper incentive they'd be happy to help. They'll understand that a man's gotta have his kill-stick....

Marianne & Gary
(now with WiFi connectivity in the river estuary at Barillas, El Salvador)

Lisa K. said...

Oh now that's just really sad. Although your blog post merited a "he's clever" from John. That's something. Not a spear gun, but something!

Jason said...

Yet another lesson from Hello World: spear guns don't float. Corollary to the Spear Guns Don't Float law: one flaky velcro latch on kayak is not sufficient attachment point for a speargun. Corollary to the corollary to the Spear Guns Don't Float law: spear guns hide themselves amongst a rocky bottom incredibly well.

Sadly, we spent several trips free diving the spot to find the spear but to no avail. We gave the coordinates to a guy who was a diver so hopefully he'll recover the spear but we had to leave for southern waters and could stay in Agua Verde no longer...

Meghan Cleary said...

Heyyy we're totally coming right behind you and thanks for the coordinates, we will be diving for that sucker! Sometime around Thanksgiving. We'll let you know.
But will be we seeing you before then in the Channel Islands?? A reunion would be lovely!