S/V Hello World's Travel Log

i'm turning into my father...

Recently, my dad has taken to baking bread. All sorts of different bread. He makes breads that I've ever only bought in stores (french bread) and some that people only dream about (cranberry walnut). His bread has become an alternate currency of sorts - he barters them for all sorts of things...farm fresh eggs among others. My grandmother thinks this is a waste of time and he could be doing things much more useful with his time. I'm thinking it's a better and better idea - save the walnuts. If we're going to be on the boat for weeks at a time, we're going to have to learn how to be a bit more self-sufficient in the most basic of ways. So I've started baking bread. Yup, I'm turning into my father.

The first challenge was finding yeast at the grocery store. I felt like a bit of a doof when I asked one of the Fred workers where to find it while we were both standing right there in front of it. Hey, this stuff is small. I made my best guess at the water temp since we don't have a thermometer aboard - turns out this yeast stuff is picky. Per the recipe, the bread was supposed to rise to double it's size - did it tell me how long this would take? No. I gave it an hour or so and after checking it every 2 minutes asking Jason if he thought it was doubled in size, I tried a different tactic and put it on the table above the heater. I've been known to put food products above heaters with some disastrous results, but this time worked - the yeast just wanted some warmth.

So, ta da! My first foccacia loaf - and it's not too bad, I have to say. I'm looking forward to baking lots more and Jason's looking forward to eating it...

Now...who wants to barter for some eggs...



Anonymous said...

Lolo has been baking for a couple years now and she's gotten pretty good. She does gluten free as well. You should hit her up for some tips. :)

McKenzie said...

Impressive! (No, not the bread, but that too, I was referring to the fact that this blog post contains: zero nerdy sailing references!!)

Anonymous said...

You guys are so spoiled... you have an oven!

Good rule of thumb for water temp and yeast... the water should be body temperature which is pretty easy to guestimate using your finger.

Kim has a really good, really easy bread recipe that'd be perfect for boats.

If you get into a regular bread baking schedule start saving a little dough every time and putting it back in. If you bake every 2-3 days you won't even need yeast anymore after a while.

How was your trip to the south sound?

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! Always best to take your successes where you find them.

Side benefit is the warmth and smells generated.

Anne said...

Christy, the engineer in you will love the science of breadbaking...that's what your father finds so fascinating.
4 simple ingredients = magic

JT said...

My dad makes bagels and cheese now! And he's bringing more eggs for us from his chickens in a WEEK.

If only we could trade our goods for Paseo's!

Or maybe... PESOS!?!
I mean coconuts.
Or massages by old naked dudes.

Butch said...

Oh u lucky gob! To have an oven - wow.

I bake bread about 2/week. I dont barter it, we just eat it. I use a bread machine, but my own reciepes - mostly water, oil, wheat and yeast. It only takes me about 5 min to turn out a nice 2 lb loaf. Simple stuf but yummy.

I'm an old gob - 70, maybe it an agae thing about the bread.

I'm gona find one of those oven thingy's that you can use on a Coleman stove.

I'd feel reallt accomplished if I cud turn out a nice loaf while tied up at James Is.

Anonymous said...

Guess what? We're going to be neighbors! Hope to meet you in person someday!

On the topic of your breadmaking, Bobbi loves making bread and I'm sure she'd be happy to give some more tips too. For extended cruising, we will be trying our hand at canning and smoking fish.